Blood analyses : urea and creatinine levels are high. Clairances are abnormal.
Before kidney damage urinary tract hypertension can be detected by :
1. Intravenous urography 2.Isotopic nephrogram 3. Use of scintiscanner
Urinary tract hypertension (schematic)
A. Normal urography. Ureters are not shown on their entire lenght..
B. Intravenous urography. Hypertension of urinary tract. Ureters are shown on their entire lenght .
C. Normal isotopic nephrogram. Quick elimination of both kidneys.
E. Scintiscanner of kidneys. Left: poor kidney captation. Right: normal captation (in red).
Prostate obstacle :
when urinary tract hypertension occurs (B and D),
to avoid kidney damage (E)
an endoscopic resection of prostate is necessary (see prostate atrophy
A foundation of life maintenance system