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Obesity  Diabetes  Erection Ejaculation Prostate Prostate adenoma Prostate atrophy Prostate cancer Immunity Hair loss
Arteriosclerosis Hypertension Coronary disease Anemia Heart infarct Muscular weakness Osteoporosis Arthrosis Depression Parkinson Alzheimer

Life expectancy in the US


Hopes that will not be disappointed to prevent Alzheimer's disease


How to understand your disease of aging : ageless man 

AGELESS MAN in short



Alzeimer's disease in short


Clinical studies carried out to date are remarkable. They highlight the significant impact of testosterone on Alzheimer's disease(1-2-3-4-5).

However, recent publications of eminent researchers question the effectiveness of androgens in Alzheimer's disease (6-7).

How to solve these apparent contradictions?

The role of testosterone and androgens to treat and prevent Alzheimer's disease requires a more detailed approach.

It seems useful to us to draw attention to the fact that clinical studies are often founded on the research of the testosterone rate in blood, which does not make it possible to have a precise idea of androgens' metabolism. Future studies should go into this field.

A testosterone rate in the blood of 1500 ng/100 ml can correspond to a pathology. On the other hand, an amount of 350ng/100 ml can be nonpathological and not requiring a hormonal substitution.

Clinical studies are often done in double-blind what makes it possible to have a general idea of results while having eliminated subjective factors. They are useful to direct researches.

We would like to draw attention to the hormonal singularity of each person with Alzheimer's disease. It would be advisable to make a detailed study of the androgens' metabolism in each patient.

The singular study of androgens in each person presenting an Alzheimer's disease makes it possible to prescribe a precise treatment (testosterone is not the only androgen available) and well proportioned.

The administration of a standard testosterone amount is often proposed to treat each patient. The singularity of the results for each patient implies a singular androgens' treatment or a possible singular counter-indication for this treatment. Failing this, a single and standard testosterone amount can lead to undesirable effects (7).

Disappointments (6) and undesirable effects (7) caused by testosterone are avoided by a better knowledge of androgens' therapy. To consider a standard testosterone amount for each patient is not reasonable (diabetes or the thyroid insufficiency is not treated by a usual insulin dose or a standard dose of thyroxin).


The disappointment of immune treatments

What are the pathological lesions of the brain in Alzheimer's disease?

What can be the mechanism of this degeneration?

Testosterone production decreases with age in men and women

The chain of production of androgens in humans

Recent and decisive scientific discoveries

Hopes that will not be disappointed to prevent Alzheimer's disease

Preventing and curing aging diseases



A drug can only reach the diseased areas of the brain if the cerebral arteries are permeable.

Therefore, in order for natural molecules such as hormones or drug molecules to reach the brain cells, it is essential to first keep the cerebral arteries healthy.

Alzheimer in short

History of andropause disease
Life maintenance system

A foundation of life maintenance system

Health in XXIst century
Andropause disease in short  (powerpoint) logo powerpoint