Andropause is a condition.
Androgenic disease of andropause is a disease of the andropause condition --- (in short : andropause disease).
When Dr. Georges Debled wrote "Andropause, cause, consequences and remedies in 1987", he described not only a new concept but also a new disease.
At that time half of the booksellers in France did not know the word.
Dr. Georges Debled chose the word andropause by what the dictionary described, since 1952, the main symptom of the disease: "The natural cessation of sexual function in elderly men." (Le Petit Robert)
has a cause : a decrease in secretion of androgens (testosterone and dihydrotestosterone) with age
Dihydrotestosteronene or testosterone ?
Definition of " the andropause disease" according to Georges Debled MD:
Medical definition of "the androgenic disease of andropause".
"Andropause Disease" is the whole of physiological and psychological changes
that accompany the natural and gradual cessation of sexual activity in man
as a result of the decreased production of androgens (testosterone and dihydrotestosterone)
L’Andropause Cause Conséquences et Remèdes Maloine 1988
Explanation of the Medical Definition:
decreased androgen production means that the hormone dihydrotestosterone (that is the sex hormone) is no longer produced in normal amounts by transformation of testosterone (that hormone is not sexual . It is a "prehormone " that must be converted into dihydrotestosterone). Consequently, studies that do not mention dihydrotestosterone are not related to andropause disease
If there are no symptoms of sexual impairment, there is no andropause disease.
Andropause disease occurs from forty and sometimes even before. It appears when androgens' production decrease significantly.
Since the first publication of The andopause, cause, consequences and remedies the idea has gained popularity and the lack of testosterone with age is widely discussed by the scientific community .
Different expressions to define the climacteric :
Période de changements endocriniens, somatiques et psychologiques qui survient à la ménopause. (Office Québécois de la langue française)
El Climaterio es el período de la vida que precede y sigue la extinción de la función genital. (Diccionario de la Real Academia Española).
The climacteric
In english
climacteric noun 1. a critical event or period 2. another name for:
3. the period in the life of a man corresponding to the menopause, chiefly characterized by diminished sexual activity.
The male menopause :
Menopause means : "the cessation of the menstruations". " Male menopause" miss the point.
The expressiom "andropause disease" corresponds to a terminological
use of collocations The main symptom is the progressive decrease of sexual activity in the elderly man (andropause) This symptom may be accompanied by general disorders corresponding to diseases of aging (andropause disease). It is indeed a disease that has a definition of its own. As this disease is unknown, its definition is absent from all dictionaries. The expression "androgenic disease of andropause" is also suitable for this concept published in January 1988
A foundation of life maintenance system